Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital
Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School
2004 - 2010, Ph.D., Cell Biology
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Gang Pei and Dr. Jiuhong Kang (Co-PI)
2000 - 2004, B.S., Biochemistry
Department for Intensive Instruction of Science and Arts, Kuang Yaming Honors School,
Nanjing University, China
2012 – , Postdoctoral training with Dr. Yi Zhang
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at
Boston Children's Hospital / Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School
2011 – 2012, Postdoctoral training with Dr. Yi Zhang
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publications(* co-first author)
1. Matoba,S.,Liu,Y.,Lu,F.,Iwabuchi,K.A.,Shen,L.,Inoue,A.,andZhang,Y. (2014). Embryonic Development following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Impeded by Persisting Histone Methylation. Cell 159, 884–895.
2. Wu,H.,Wu,X.,Shen,L.,andZhang,Y.(2014).Single-baseresolutionanalysisof
active DNA demethylation using methylase-assisted bisulfite sequencing. Nat
Biotechnol. In Press.
3. Shen,L.*,Inoue,A.*,He,J.,Liu,Y.,Lu,F.,andZhangY.(2014).Tet3andDNA Replication Mediate Demethylation of Both the Maternal and Paternal Genomes in Mouse Zygotes. Cell Stem Cell 15, 459–470.
4. Shen,L.*,Song,C.X.*,He,C.,Zhang,Y.(2014).MechanismandFunctionof
OxidativeReversalofDNAandRNAMethylation. AnnuRevBiochem83,585-614.
5. Yamaguchi,S.,Shen,L.,Liu,Y.,Sendler,D.,andZhang,Y.(2013).RoleofTet1in
genomic imprinting erasure. Nature 504, 460-464.
6. Lin,F.,Shen,L.,Jang,C.,Falnes,P.,andZhang,Y.(2013)Ikbkap/Elp1deficiency causes male infertility by disrupting meiotic progression. PLoS Genet 9, e1003516