
Wei Dahai, an Alumnus of Grade 2000 was Selected into the 11th Batch

Release time:2015-10-23Number of visits:1275


Wei Dahai, male, born in December 1982, holds a doctorate in science and is now a research fellow at the Institute of Semiconductor, CAS, and a doctoral supervisor. He obtained his doctorate in physics from Fudan University in January 2010. Then, he worked at overseas famous universities including University of Tokyo and Regensburg University. In 2015, he was selected into the 11th Batch and started to work with the Semiconductor Superlattice National Laboratory, Institute of Semiconductor, CAS.

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards:

(1) He systematically studied the spin Hall effect of 3d and 4d metals and alloys and discovered the huge spin Hall effect of copper-bismuth alloy.

(2) He injected spin currents into a weak magnet that is at the critical point of phase transformation by non-local spin injection of side spin valves. From spin hall signals, he detected the fluctuation of local magnetic moment and its interaction with spin currents in the phase transformation of ferromagnets, providing a sensitive experimental method of detecting the fluctuation of magnetic moment through spin currents.

(3) He discovered an experimental method of separating and detecting alternating currents and spin currents. He confirmed and detected the spin injection of alternating currents and its spin hall signals in spin pumps, providing a foundation for the development of spintronics.

(4) He studied the interface regulation and control of magnetic ultrathin films and successfully regulated and controlled the anisotropy of magnets through the coupling and nanostructure between interface layers.

Research Fields:

His research focuses on nanometer magnetism and spintronics. He studied spin injection, detection, regulation and control through structures of such spin devices as side spin valves and spin pumps. He explored the performances, effects, and potential applications of spin currents through the spin Hall effect and spin orbit torque.

Contact (E-mail and Office Tel):

Office: Room 204, No.7 Building

Tel: 82305174

Papers or Works:

1.Experimental observation of a large ac-spin Hall effect

    D. H. Wei, M. Obstbaum, M. Ribow, C. H. Back and G. Woltersdorf, Nature Communication 5 3768 (2014)

  2.The spin Hall effect as a probe of nonlinear spin fluctuations 

  D.H. Wei, Y.Niimi, B. Gu, T. Ziman, S. Meakawa and Y. Otani, Nature Communication 3 1058 (2012) 

  3.Pd atomic chains formation as a result of sub-monolayer deposition of 3d metals on Pd(110) 

  D. H. Wei, C. L. Gao, Kh. Zakeri and M. Przybylski,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 225504, (2009)  

  4.Oscillatory Magnetic Anisotropy Tuned by Interlayer Coupling 

  D. H. Wei, X.Y. Xu, L.F. Yin, G.S. Dong and X. F. Jin, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 092403, (2009) 

  5.Experimental verification of comparability between spin-orbit and spin-diffusion lengths.

  Y. Niimi,D. H. Wei, H. Idzuchi, T. Wakamura, T. Kato and Y. Otani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 016805, (2013)

  6.Bi(111) thin film with insulating interior but metallic surfaces 

  S. H. Xiao, D.H. Wei, and X.F. Jin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 166805, (2012)  

  7.Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Permalloy Revisited 

  L. F. Yin, D. H. Wei, N. Lei, L. H. Zhou, C. S. Tian, G. S. Dong, X. F. Jin, L. P. Guo, Q. J. Jia, and R. Q. Wu, Phys.

    Rev.Lett. 97, 067203 (2006) 

  8.Magnetic anisotropy tuned by interfacial engineering 

  N. Lei, D. H. Wei, C.S. Tian, S.H. Xiao, D.Z. Hou, L.H. Zhou and X.F. Jin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 192506 (2009) 

  9.Giant Spin Hall Effect Induced by Skew Scattering from Bismuth Impurities inside Thin Film CuBi Alloys 

  Y. Niimi, Y. Kawanishi, D. H. Wei, C. Deranlot, H. X. Yang, M. Chshiev, T. Valet, A. Fert and Y. Otani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109,

    156602, (2012)  

  10.The anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial face-centered-cubic cobalt films 

  Dazhi Hou, Yufan Li, D. H. Wei, Dai Tian, LinWu and Xiaofeng Jin, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 482001, (2012) 

  11.Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect Induced by Iridium Impurities in Copper 

  Y. Niimi, M. Morota, D.H. Wei, C. Deranlot, M. Basletic, A. Hamzic, A. Fert and Y. Otani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 126601,


  12.Indication of intrinsic spin Hall effect in 4d and 5d transition metals 

  M. Morota, Y. Niimi, K. Ohnishi, D.H. Wei, T. Tanaka, H. Kontani, T. Kimura, and Y. Otani, Phys. Rev. B 83, 174405 (2011). 

  13.Correlation between spin reorientation transition and Curie temperature of NixPd1-x on Cu(001) 

  P. Yu, L.F. Yin, D. H. Wei, G.S. Dong and X.F. Jin, Phys. Rev. B, 79, 212407 (2009) 

  14.Measurement of the thickness-dependent magnetic anisotropy of Co/GaAs(001)  

  X. Y. Xu, L. F. Yin, D. H. Wei, C. S. Tian, G. S. Dong and X. F. Jin, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 052403 (2008) 


    Ribow, C. H. Back and G. Woltersdorf, Nature Communication 5 3768 (2014) 

   D. H. Wei, H. Idzuchi, T. Wakamura, T. Kato and Y. Otani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 016805, (2013) D. H. Wei, M. Obstbaum, M.