
KYM Alumna Named ‘Highly Cited Researcher 2020’

Release time:2020-11-22Number of visits:2194

KYM alumna Lu Xinhui was recently selected as one of the “Highly Cited Researchers 2020.” That, which that means that her academic works have been widely cited by other international scholars and have significant and wide influence in the academic community and her research field. Lu is currently an assistant professor at theThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, and she received her bachelor degree from Kuang Yaming Honors School in 2004.



PhD, Yale University, USA, 2010

BS, Nanjing University, China, 2004


2016-now, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2012-2016, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2010-2012, Research Associate, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Lab, NY

Research Field:

Soft matter

Photovoltaic devices

X-ray scattering