

Lectures by Famous Professors Series 4 of 2020 Black Holes: The Darkest Objects but the Hottest Topic

Release time:2020-10-22Number of visits:1288

On October 21, 2020, another online lecture was held at Kuang Yaming Honors School. Professor Chen Pengfei started with the Nobel Prize in Physics. He reviewed the winning fields of the Nobel Prize in Physics in recent years and pointed out the trend of concentrating on astrophysics. The topic of the lecture “Black Holes” is an important topic in astrophysics. Professor Chen said that his lecture would be like a story.

Professor Chen explained various celestial bodies such as the sun and white dwarfs. He showed a picture of M87 Black Hole, the first ever picture of the black hole that took two years to print. Chen discussed three interesting questions concerning black holes: the linear relationship between the mass of the black hole and the mass of the galaxy in which the black hole is located, energy and gravitational waves.

The lecture ended with the  three questions to which people are still searching for full answers.