Professor You Lixing first introduced some products at low temperature, such as ice cream and cold beer. Later, he said that low temperature can not only make people's favorite food, but also a very important experimental environment in scientific research. In modern physics, temperature ranges from solar surface temperature of 6000K, human body temperature of several hundred Kelvin, to liquid helium, an important strategic resource of 4K. Among them, high temperature and low temperature superconductivity with liquid helium as the critical definition have some very important applications. In the field of quantum computing, ultra-low temperature of about 10mK is needed to provide experimental environment.
When it comes to how to achieve low temperature, You started with the well-known refrigerator at home, but it is obvious that the refrigeration effect that the refrigerator can achieve is far less than the experimental requirements. The refrigerant developed later can achieve 2-60K low temperature by using the hierarchy technology, and the dilution refrigerator can reach the mK level of refrigeration.
Then, combining with the development of the information industry, You explained the necessity and importance of research on low temperature technology. As information technology permeates deeper into people's lives, more and more information is stored in the form of electronic data. This requires powerful data processors, which can consume a lot of power. For instance, Facebook's information center in Sweden consumes 100 megabits of power, close to that of a small nuclear power plant. Therefore, a large amount of heat will be generated. If the heat dissipation measures are not good enough, the operation efficiency of the machine will be seriously damaged. Therefore, it is particularly important to achieve low temperature calculation. As the demand for supercomputers grows, and we develop more and more powerful machines, cryogenic technologies will inevitably become more demanding.