
Wu Shengjun


[email protected]


Kuang Yaming Honors School, Nanjing University, 163 Xianlin Street, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province


Research field

Quantum information, fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum optics, quantum biology


Educational background

2000-2003, Ph. D., physics, University of South Carolina

1997-2000, M. S., physics, University of Science and Technology of China

1993-1997, B. S., physics, University of Science and Technology of China

Working experience

2013-, professor, Nanjing University

2005-2013, associate professor, University of Science and Technology of China

2003-2005, postdoc, Carnegie Mellon University


Mathematical Method

Topics in Quantum Information Science


Major papers

1. Guo, Y., & Wu, S. Quantum    correlation exists in any non-product state. Scientific Reports 4, 7179 (2014).

2. Wu, S. State tomography via weak measurements. Scientific Reports 3, 1193 (2013).

3. Wu, S., & Żukowski, M. Feasible optical weak measurements of complementary observables via a single Hamiltonian. Physical Review Letters 108, 080403 (2012).

4. Wu, S., & Li, Y. Weak measurements beyond the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman formalism. Physical Review A 83, 052106 (2011).

Wu, S., Poulsen, U. V., & Mølmer, K. Correlations in local measurements on a quantum state, and    complementarity as an explanation of nonclassicality. Physical Review A 80, 032319 (2009).