
职 称:副教授
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2003、2008年在南京大学化学化工学院分别获得化学学士、高分子化学与物理博士学位(导师:薛奇、汪蓉)。2008至2014年先后在德国Max Planck胶体与界面所(导师:Reinhard Lipowsky)和德国Jülich研究中心(导师:Gerhard Gompper)从事博士后研究工作。2014年11月起担任开元体育-开元试玩-开元网站 副教授,从事教学与科研工作。
2.《Introduction to Molecular Simulations of Complex Systems》,本科生国际化课程,秋季学期
注:课程答疑时间为每周三、五下午14:00-16:00,地点为开元体育 C208。
21. D. Liu, Z. Zhang, R. Wang*, J. Hu*, Stability and Deformation of Vesicles in a Cylindrical Flow, Langmuir, doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02000 (2022).
20. J. Gao, R. Hou, L. Li, J. Hu*, Membrane-Mediated Interactions Between Protein Inclusions, Front. Mol. Biosci. 8: 811711 (2021).
19. L. Li, J. Hu*, H. Wu*, F. Song*, Cis-interaction of ligands on a supported lipid bilayer affects their binding to cell adhesion receptors, Sci. China Phys. Mech. & Astron. 64(10): 10872 (2021).
18. L. Li, J. Gao, Y. Shao*, F. Song, J. Hu*, Tuning cell adhesion on supported lipid bilayers via nanoscale geometry, Soft Matter 17(45): 10376-10382 (2021).
17. L. Li, J. Hu*, B. Rozycki*, X. Wang, H. Wu, F. Song, Influence of lipid rafts on pattern formation during T-cell adhesion, New J. Phys. 23(4): 043052 (2021).
16. L. Li, J. Hu*, X. Shi, B. Rozycki*, F. Song*, Interplay between cooperativity of intercellular receptor-ligand binding and coalescence of nanoscale lipid clusters in adhering membranes, Soft Matter 17(7): 1912-1920 (2021).
15. C. Zhu, W. Jiang*, J. Hu*, P. Sun, A.-M. Li, Q. Zhang, Facile preparation of PLA nonwoven fabric with surface modification by stereocomplex crystals for recyclable use in oil/water separation, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2(7): 2509-2516 (2020).
14. L. Li, J. Hu*, B. Rozycki*, F. Song*, Intercellular Receptor−Ligand Binding and Thermal Fluctuations Facilitate Receptor Aggregation in Adhering Membranes, Nano Lett. 20(1): 722-728 (2020).
13. T. R. Weikl*, J. Hu, B. Kav, B. Rozycki, Chapter 4 - Binding and segregation of proteins in membrane adhesion: theory, modeling, and simulations, in: R. Lipowsky (Ed.), “Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly”, Vol. 30, Academic Press, Elsevier (2019).
12. L. Li, J. Hu*, L. Li, F. Song*, Binding constant of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands that induce membrane curvatures, Soft Matter 15(17): 3507-3514 (2019).
11. Q. Yu‡, J. Hu‡, Y. Hu, R. Wang*, Significance of the DNA bond strength in programmable nanoparticle thermodynamics and dynamics, Soft Matter 14(14): 2665-2670 (2018).
10. L. Li, J. Hu*, G. Xu, F. Song*, Binding constant of cell adhesion receptors and substrate-immobilized ligands depends on the distribution of ligands, Phys. Rev. E 97: 012405 (2018).
9. L. Li, J. Hu*, X. Shi, Y. Shao, F. Song*, Lipid rafts enhance the binding constant of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands, Soft Matter 13(23): 4294-4304 (2017).
8. G. L. Li*, J. Hu*, H. Wang, C. Pilz-Allen, J. Wang, T. Qi, H. Moehwald, D. G. Shchukin, Polymer-decorated anisotropic silica nanotubes with combined shape and surface properties for guest delivery, Polymer 109: 332-338 (2017).
7. T. R. Weikl, J. Hu, G.-K. Xu, R. Lipowsky, Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands in cell adhesion: Insights from computational model systems and theory, Cell Adhes. Migr. 10(5): 576-589 (2016).
6. T. Eisenstecken, J. Hu, R. G. Winkler, Bacterial swarmer cells in confinement: a mesoscale hydrodynamic simulation study, Soft Matter 12(40): 8316-8326 (2016).
5. J. Hu, G.-K. Xu, R. Lipowsky & T. R. Weikl, Binding kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands: Molecular dynamics simulations and theory, J. Chem. Phys. 143(24): 243137 (2015).
4. J. Hu, M. Yang, G. Gompper & R. G. Winkler, Modelling the mechanics and hydrodynamics of swimming E. coli, Soft Matter 11(40): 7867-7876 (2015).
3. J. Hu, A. Wysocki, R. G. Winkler & G. Gompper, Physical Sensing of Surface Properties by Microswimmers – Directing Bacterial Motion via Wall Slip, Sci. Rep. 5: 9586 (2015).
2. J. Hu, R. Lipowsky & T. R. Weikl, Binding constants of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands depend strongly on the nanoscale roughness of membranes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110(38): 15283-15288 (2013).
1. J. Hu, T. Weikl & R. Lipowsky, Vesicles with multiple membrane domains, Soft Matter 7(13): 6092 (2011).