






2006~2011Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine博士后

2000~2006Iowa State University博士 






Selected Publications

  1. Qiao Jiang, Li Zhao, Junbiao Dai* and Qingyu Wu*, Analysis of autophagy genes in microalgae: Chlorella as a potential model to study mechanism of autophagy, Plos One, 2012, 7 (7): e41826 (Co-corresponding author)

  2. Zhongyu Xie*, Junbiao Dai*, Lunzhi Dai*, Minjia Tan, Zhongyi Cheng, Yeming Wu, Jef D. Boeke and Yingming Zhao. Lysine succinylation and lysine malonylation in histones, Mol Cell Proteomics, 2012, 11(5): 100-7 (*equal contribution)

  3. Junbiao Dai and Jef D. Boeke, Strain construction and screening methods for a yeast histone H3/H4 mutant library, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2012, 833: 1-14

  4. Junbiao Dai, Edel M. Hyland, Anne Norris and Jef D. Boeke, Yin and yang of histone H2B’s role in silencing and longevity: a tale of two arginines, Genetics, 2010, 186(3): 813-828

  5. Junbiao Dai*, Edel M. Hyland*, Daniel S. Yuan, Hailiang Huang, Joel S. Bader and Jef D. Boeke, Probing Nucleosome Function: A Highly Versatile Library of Synthetic Histone H3 and H4 Mutants, Cell, 2008, 134: 1066-1078 (Featured cover story)

  6. Junbiao Dai*, Weiwu Xie*, Troy Brady, Jiquan Gao and Daniel F. Voytas, Phosphorylation regulates Ty5 integration specificity in Saccharomyces cerevisia, Mol Cell, 2007, 27(2): 289-299
    (Featured in minireview: Mol. Cell 27:180-181. “Stress management: how cells take control of their transposons” Hirotaka E. and Levin H.L.)

  7. Yunxia Zhu, Junbiao Dai, Peter G. Fuerst and Daniel F. Voytas, Controlling integration specificity of a yeast retrovirus-like element, PNAS, 2003, 100 (10): 5890-5895
    (Featured in minireview: PNAS, 2003, 100(10): 5586-5588 Integration by design Sandmeyer S.; Cell 2003 115: 135-138 Targeting Survival: Integration Site Selection by Retroviruses and LTR-Retrotransposons Bushman F.D.)



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